10 results for: palmarestaurants


Prepare our bread and focaccia makes us so proud. The work is a lot but the results we belive are magnificents.

Personal Chef is just that: personal

My first dish of this new proyect named #hireachef in palma de mallorca by @bunkers_restaurant. An intimate elegant marriage on the roof top of the boutique hotel calatrava.          

Do You Have A Dream?

When you have a dream never forget to give water and love. The results and the satisfactions don't last long to come.

Bunker's Restaurant rebrand

After almost 8 years we decided to restyle our logo. Nothing wrong with the old one but the feeling that we change and grow a lot made us think that we needed to give the best version of ourself. With…

Easter time dessert

Easter time dessert... La pastiera is a tipical dessert eaten in easter time. Originary from naples is now prepared in a lot of Italian regions because of it's marvelous taste.  

Memories of a coffe

While i'm home waiting for the service in @bunkers_restaurant i decided to give me a treat with this old coffe machine belong to my granmother. It is called "cuccuma" and comes from Naples(even if has been invented in Paris)wich was…
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