15 results for: food

We are back

  WE ARE BACK!!! Come and try our new menu  you will be surprised!       

Pizza alla pala romana

Fantastic moment. Try to imagine to grab a bite of food and instantly get 30 years back in time. Then your mind is a mix of memories and emotions. Well, this is it.    


I started to make gnocchi when i was 8 years old with my granmother. Since then i’ve never stop it because it means a lot to me, my roots my family and my future too. This time i made the classic…


Prepare our bread and focaccia makes us so proud. The work is a lot but the results we belive are magnificents.

Book your company dinner 2018

This year we want to drive you around the world with pur suggestions menu. The first one is called let’s stay home, that means mediterranean cusine, simple but not less flavory. The second one is five continents that is a…

Lunch to help Sant Llorenc

As every year we do help some association that helps other people in needs. This year we feel to be close to our mallorquin village sant llorenc that has soffered so much due to the bad weather. So we need your help…
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